8 Apr, 2024

The African Cashew Alliance (ACA) has been working on developing learning solutions for the industry.  As such we have developed several eLearning and in-class training programs, which are being rolled out. The ACA is the lead partner for the Master Training Program (MTP) from the Market-Oriented Value Chains...

8 Apr, 2024

The African Cashew Alliance (ACA) has been working on developing learning solutions for the industry.  As such we have developed several eLearning and in-class training programs, which are being rolled out. The ACA is the lead partner for the Master Training Program (MTP) from the Market-Oriented Value Chains...

28 Mar, 2024

The European Union (EU) and the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) have joined hands to co-find the regional Cashew Master Training Program (MTP) implemented by the African Cashew Alliance (ACA), the GIZ/MOVE and partners.

This move by the EU and the OACPS will benefit over 500 cashew actors in Africa, expand the expert base of the cashew industry in the next...